Hello Everyone… I know I am waaay overdue to submit another post.. I am working on it and it will be out soon. I am writing about attachment theory and what it has to do with compassion, so stay tuned….!

However, in the meantime I would like to let you know, that Stanford is offering its Choosing Happiness class again next semester! It is a great class for everyone who is interested in happiness and positive psychology. It is being taught by Laura Delizonna, who worked as a staff psychologist and was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford’s School of Medicine. She received a PhD from Boston University.

I took this class a few years ago and my blog is in part inspired by it. It is largely based on Dr. Martin Seligman’s book Authentic Happiness, but Laura has developed her own “toolkit” of happiness habits. This coming semester it will be conducted on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:50 p.m. Take charge of your own happiness! I will also post about why I think pursuing ones happiness is not selfish or narcissistic… stay tuned!!!